In the morning, when I saw the "Failed to lock file" error, the NAS is turned on (obviously the script woke it up). This has been working fine until couple days ago. Then I use another script to put it back in sleep after the job. I use a script (Wake On LAN) to wake it up as a "Pre Command" of the backup job. Here is some information regarding the NAS: It looks like TI was having problem opening the tibx file on NAS. | line: 0x9f2c53c72e8bcedb, c:\jenkins_agent\workspace\ati-main-win-ati\62\products\imager\demon\main.cpp:741, main | file: c:\jenkins_agent\workspace\ati-main-win-ati\62\products\imager\demon\main.cpp:741 | line: 0xc8d8731ce106f9e6, c:\jenkins_agent\workspace\ati-main-win-ati\62\archive\ver3\adapter\error.cpp:88, `anonymous-namespace'::ConvertArchive3Error | function: `anonymous-namespace'::ConvertArchive3Error | file: c:\jenkins_agent\workspace\ati-main-win-ati\62\archive\ver3\adapter\error.cpp:88 | error 0x40017: Failed to lock the file. | line: 0xaa33a143c434a604, c:\jenkins_agent\workspace\ati-main-win-ati\62\home\backup_worker\impl\backup_worker.cpp:182, `anonymous-namespace'::ReturnCodeToError | function: `anonymous-namespace'::ReturnCodeToError | file: c:\jenkins_agent\workspace\ati-main-win-ati\62\home\backup_worker\impl\backup_worker.cpp:182 12:09:10 AM: -05:00 17420 I00640000: Backup reserve copy attributes: format tib need_reserve_backup_copy false

How shall I troubleshoot this? Thank you! So it doesn't seem to be a connection/credential problem. But if I clicked "Backup Now" without doing anything else, the backup will succeed. Originally, I though it was the connection/credential problem with the NAS. Since couple days ago, I'm getting "Failed to loc the file" error.